You're Not Alone
It's called "stress incontinence"
And it happens when running, jumping, lifting weights, or even sneezing
puts pressure on your bladder. Moxie Fitness Apparel has a patent-pending
design to wick moisture into a middle absorbent barrier, trapping moisture and keeping you dry. Care for them just like you would any other activewear apparel and you can count on them to take good care of you for a long time!
"Double Unders"
Have finally met their match!
"Double Unders" are essentially jumping rope and having the rope pass under your feet twice. They're also synonymous with peeing yourself! Moxies will hold up to 8 teaspoons of urine, so yes, you may have to still stop and use the bathroom, but at least now it's a little secret between you and your bladder.

Designed by a Crossfitter...
...who was sick of missing PRs because she was pee-ing!
Moxies started out as a crazy idea... there had to be a better solution than what was on the market. Underwear lines aren't flattering, liners quickly twist (ouch!), inserts are uncomfortable and fall out on the first squat, and the wad of toilet paper just doesn't cut it. Three years later... We're excited to bring you Moxies! Now go get your PR!